Since everyone is abandoning the year 2023, I may s well join the train. Let’s have a look at the year ahead 2024. The transiting BaZi is always used as a yardstick / benchmark to take a look at the entire year energy to decide on overall economical / societal reaction. The year 2024 will transit on 04 Feb 2024 (16:29) which will produce the chart above.
What to Expect ?
Wu Earth being the DayMaster of the year which govern all the reaction / relationship in conjunction will the rest of the pillar. First to have a look at the year Wood Dragon that give a 7K / FR relationship with the Wu Earth energy. This already infer a possible infighting in the economy and further looking at the pillar, one would found that the Year and Day is having heaven earth clash while the Month and Hour is also having similar heaven and earth clash. There is going to be fight between conservative (those that refuse to change) with progressive (those that want to change), the battle between the old and new shall begin.
The Day Pillar WuXu indicate a very firm and sturdy mountain which give an image of a old guy that just refuse to give way, which the Chinese will describe as “食古不化”. It is going to be rather stubborn year with obstacle couple with often quote of “its for your own good / protection”. There is always a reason why wall are erected and you are prevented from venturing beyond the wall. It is just that the wall sometimes has become irrelevant as the new generation emerges and demand more that the confinement of the wall for safety and security.
Generally government will start to impose movement restriction which make traveling physically between geographical location to be much harder for all. For security reason or for safety reason … you want apply for travel visa, you better do it now before changes in policy is executed. This would means that those with good online and remote work capability will be given a great boost and demand.
Country that is less reliant to import trade where product can fully produce locally will gain an advantage economically. The idea of buy local and use local is going to gain popularity because it is also a little difficult to get things moving between geographical location. (For those that is advance, missing water element that represent movement)
The strong emergence of Metal also signal the rise of authority (needed / not needed ?) which inturn will cause much asset exposure. This will cause many that has been hiding their wealth to be expose (tax evasion anyone ?) and may cause a cascading decrease of public confidence and reputation shift. Increase in robbery / scam related matter (dispute) will also be on the rise as people generally see this as being unfair.
Sport and fitness related matter will be given a rise / boost as people become more aware of health related matter (which means there is going to more unhealthy people). If you are already in this industry (sport, fitness) you are set to shine this year. You will start to see more competition base sport gain popularity as this is our raw connection to the day of hunting and war.
The lone Fire element is also an indicator that “fire” is unable to support the drain of the entire chart. There is going to be more power / electric related outage / issue going around. We have a large gap int-erm of electricity production and consumption. Just to draw a comparison that the activity of charging 1 Electric Vehicle is equal to operating 8 air-conditioner. So if your area have 1,000 EV decide to plug in and charge … that would means 8,000 units of aircon just got switch on. Can our power grid actually take such load demand?
What can you do ?
First of all, reputation (packaging) is going to be important for the year … so learn how to package yourself in-front of others … you might need to go gym to tone those flabby muscle. People are going to judge you for your appearance and its good that you put in effort to show people your good side.
Be extra patience with those “old” folk as they need time to adapt to the rapid changing world. Just see it as their last clench to the nostalgic past, we are all here today because of their previous sacrifice. You don not need to agree with them at all but you do need to respect their own fear and discomfort toward changes.
Learn how to bridge between world, this transition from Period 8 to Period 9 (a period transmission happen every 20 years) is going to create divide between people that embrace advancement and those that prefer stability. So, if you can assist them to see each other advantage and work out a mutual acceptable ground, you win.
Being a guiding light for other is also a good role to play. There is always danger venturing out of the safety of the wall, since you are willing, leave sign of success for other to follow. Eventually, enough will venture out of the wall to join you and you might build your own version of protective wall.
There is a high need of independence if you want to progress faster than everyone else. You cannot have one leg in the wall at the same time wishing an adventure outside of the wall. So, take a bold step outside and venture to the unknown. Alone if you have to.
Thank you Kevin!
Great writing! Any tips for the various day masters for year 2024?