Possible Auspicious FengShui Activation
07 Sep 2023 (Thu) 15:30-19:00 WEST sector
For those that wish to improve their charm and magnetism, you can perform a water activation on the WEST sector of your house on 07 Sep 2023 (Thu) between 3:30pm-7:00pm, by placing (preferred) still water and a water plant.
The activation will assist in improving Peach Blossom which is traditionally used for romance purpose. In modern application it will improve your overall charm which can reused for sales/marketings purpose. This is also good for those that is trying to have baby which also help with the process of conceiving.
You can leave the activation at the sector for a period of 2 weeks. You are suppose to go see the intended person and make a proposal which will bring the relationship into the next level.
This specific activation will not benefit those with DOG in their chart and will work well with those with ROOSTER in their chart.